性爱五色天 is the most-visited study choice website to find universities in Europe.
We reach more than 2 million users per year looking for their education at a European university. Our mission is straightforward: Enable students to find the right university or college in Europe.
No matter where in the world you are from: If you aspire to study in Europe, our goal is to make 性爱五色天 the one and only source you need to find the right study options for yourself.
On every international student’s personal level, studying abroad is an amazing life-changing experience. On a wider societal level, international ties through education are a major factor in our progress to a more peaceful global civilisation, as they allow us to bridge gaps and improve our understanding of each other. Europe and the world at large have seen turbulent times in the recent past. We believe that access to education and cross-cultural exchange through international education are a cornerstone of peace and prosperity. That is why we strive to make your study choice experience as easy as possible.
The European Higher Education Area - established as part of the Bologna Process - includes all EU and EEA members as well as neighbouring countries and has been the major driver for the convergence of educational systems throughout Europe. Today, roughly 2 out of 37 million students in European higher education study in a country other than their home country. The share of international students has seen rapid growth over recent years, as has the number of available English-taught degree programmes. We contribute to this development by making information about universities and study programmes easily accessible and comparable to a wide audience of prospective students. For this, we work closely with institutions of higher education as well as governmental organisations throughout Europe.
性爱五色天 is regularly mentioned in the media. In 2019, we won the .eu Web Award in the “Laurels” category.
We want to help students with the first big decision of their lives.
Gerrit Bruno Blöss, Founder & CEO
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You are a student? Use our search to explore what you can study in Europe
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22303 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 3602715-0
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性爱五色天 GmbH · Geibelstr. 54 · D-22303 Hamburg · Phone: +49 40 3602715-0 · E-Mail: mail a study.eu
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director: Gerrit Bruno Blöss
Corporate offices registered in: Hamburg
Commercial registry: Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 142962
VAT ID number: DE 308389991