Over 60 years, we have been unstinting advocates of European integration through our international and interdisciplinary studies programs.
CIFE, the Centre international de formation européenne, is a European Institute of higher education and research, founded in 1954 with its head office in Nice and branch offices in Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. It offers international and interdisciplinary Master programmes in European Studies, international relations, energy transition, economic governance and climate diplomacy. It receives special funding in the framework of the Erasmus + Programme of the Jean Monnet Activities of the European Union.
CIFE’s motto is Learning and living Europe - All CIFE Masters are itinerant: during their academic year, students study in three different cities and swap their study location moving from Nice to Berlin to Tunis to Istanbul to Canterbury or Rome.
Every year, students from all continents and a wide range of countries graduate from one of CIFE’s Master programmes, which lead to a degree at Master's level (EQF 7) recognised by the French state. CIFE graduates work as Senior officials in European institutions, policy officers within the UN framework, administrators, diplomats, consultants, researchers for think tanks, lobbyists, and academic experts.
Find more information on the website of CIFE European Institute: